I have not posted here for nearly two weeks. I can at least say I am not lazy. Claudia had a severe kidney infection and spent 7 days in hospital on a drip.
It all started with her waking on Monday morning around 2am with a really high fever. Then then pain followed. As soon as I saw her doubled over in pain, I thought, hmmmm, bet that is another kidney infection! Well, I should have bet on it because I was right. She was admitted to hospital with a 41 degree temp and an infection level of 48/50. Normal people sit at 10/50.
I chose to move overseas, so I need to suck up the experience, but 6 hours in a Korean emergency room is not for the faint hearted. Did you know people froth at the mouth when they fit. Did you also know that your head bleeds really badly when it is cracked open?
I do because I saw it wheeled past me.
We finally made it to our room around 1.30am and when I asked where I was going to sleep, they pointed to a mat that goes on the floor - great I thought. Anyway we got past the crappy sleeping conditions and I ended up sleeping in bed with Claudia. It was cramped, but it was softer than the floor...just. Also, Korean's have this belief that if you are cool or wind blows on you, you will get sick. So the hospital was heated so hot, I was sweating. I even considered sleeping naked, just to get cool - not such a pleasant sight for my neighbours.
She had many tests and the doctors were fairly concerned that as this was her second infection that she may have kidney damage. Praise God this was not the case. Then they were concerned she had kidney reflux, once again not the case. In the end they put it down to bad luck. After 7 days on a drip she came home and is now back in school. I am so glad she is better and I never have to go back to that hospital again.
Also - I will never ever complain about Australian medicare, hospitals or health funds again. Out bill was over $4000.00 Australian dollars. We get it back, but still had to pay it up front....OUCH!!!

This is set up. I asked her to smile - I know asking too much.

She met a little friend in hospital.

Just my toilet humor coming out! Well seven days in a hospital will make anything seem funny.

Our name tag. I find this funny too!
Number 1 is ours and only our last name.
The name below is the girl next to us - her first and last name.

I am so sorry about C, and hope she is doing better. There is nothing scarier than being ill in a foreign country! I had to laugh at the Bum Man...what a hoot!
Yikes, how terrifying! I hope you are both recovering from the trauma of it all! She's a good sport for giving you a "smile" to photograph. Your photos are really interesting!
Wow what an adventure! Hope she is doing better! Look forward to hearing more about your life in Korea and seeing some photos too!
Oh, I'm sorry about your last few weeks. I hope she is feeling much, much better.
poor thing!! so glad that she is doing better and that her kidneys weren't damaged!
wow what a horrible week! im glad you can find some humor in it tho! love the conversions here!great job.
Oh my gosh, it sounds like a horrendous week. I'm so glad to know that your daughter is better, and I hope this is her last kidney infection!
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