It has finally hit me that I only have two weeks left of school and then it is holidays. I have to admit when we started this year I was concerned would we last? I mean 180 teaching days with less than two weeks holidays (yes I know that is what normal people work), well we have lasted and we are on the downward slope. Praise God!
We decided we needed a relaxing weekend this weekend, so we headed off to Seoul. Because we work in a christian school we are considered missionaries (stop laughing) and so we are able to stay in missionary housing. The benefits of this is that we can stay for less than $40 a night in a nice apartment in Seoul. It was just what the doctor ordered. We caught up on sleep, ate out and just had fun together as a family. Seoul is about an hour from Suwon by subway. Riding the subway is not as easy as it may sound. It is impossible to get a seat and they are crowded. Most people will offer the girls a seat or sometimes old ladies will grab Claudia and put her on their lap - much to Claudia's disgust! But an hour standing in crowded conditions with lots of Koreans squashed up against you can seem like a very long time. Most Koreans have perfected the art of sleeping whilst standing - I am too scared to try it as I am worried that I may wake myself up snoring or fall over. However, the subway is the quickest and cheapest way to get around in Korean so we endure it.
This time of the year is visually a stunning time in Korea, it is rose season.
I have never seen so many full and beautiful roses. Everywhere you look they are growing.

Apparently these are called Memorial Roses.
While we were out on Saturday we came across a lady selling roses. 20 roses for $10. She had hundreds of them and they were stunning, the picture below shows just some of her roses.

Koreans seem to have two fascinations there bums and roses, hence the billboard ad I saw on the subway. If you buy this special butt washing toilet seat, you to can have a bum that smells like roses. Hmmmm......only in Korea!

I love the roses! Beautiful!
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