We are in Oz - Home!
We landed in Australia on 23rd June and spent ten days in Sydney. Then on to Queensland where we divided our time between Mum's and Springbrook, an apartment at Burleigh and then Kingscliff staying with my Granny or GG to the girls. We had the most wonderful time catching up with family and friends and of course the time flew by so quickly.
This post is highlights from our time in Sydney.
When we arrived in Sydney we were straight onto catching up. That night we celebrated Paul's Mum's 70th and Paul's sister Grace's 40th birthday.
The four cousins reunited again.
Special friends - Bella and Emily
The next week was spent hanging out at Babcia's house and catching up - the only problem was that each of the four cousins and Aunty Renata all came down with the dreaded flu that everyone seems to be catching in Australia. Nothing like a cold 4 days after landing in Australia from China - I had visions of being quarentined for bird flu. The Dr assures me we caught the bug in Australia.
So most of our time in Sydney was spent looking after sick kids.
Here are my sick babies.
We also celebrated Claudia (5) and Amiee's (18) birthdays in the middle of coughing fits, sneezes and 40 degree temperatures.
Paul's Mum was cooking a tongue to eat (gross I know) and Paul found it and wanted a photo with the tongue - I know some things never change!
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