Claudia watching the world go by.

Claudia watching the world go by.
Posted by Donnah Ciempka at 10:33 am 1 comments
Posted by Donnah Ciempka at 7:26 am 0 comments
One very proud Mum!
Happy Birthday Marina for the 18th!
Posted by Donnah Ciempka at 12:31 pm 0 comments
Chocolate cakes? I haven't been eating chocolate cakes.
Posted by Donnah Ciempka at 10:17 am 0 comments
Here are some shots I took with it tonight. Emily is practising her American Top Model poses.
Then of course the required group pose.
Posted by Donnah Ciempka at 7:53 pm 0 comments
I am writing this at home today as Claudia is sick on the couch. She has really high fevers and is eating nothing. Normally I would be quite excited about the fact that I have a day off, but as we only have 6 sleeps till we leave for Shanghai and then home, I am a bit nervous. As we know when the Corky gets sick, she doesn't do it simply. I am especially annoyed as it is hot as in the aparment and I am not allowed to have the air con on as she is freezing -mind you she is in winter pjs, under a blanket and it is at least 27 degrees in here!
Posted by Donnah Ciempka at 7:39 am 0 comments
It has finally hit me that I only have two weeks left of school and then it is holidays. I have to admit when we started this year I was concerned would we last? I mean 180 teaching days with less than two weeks holidays (yes I know that is what normal people work), well we have lasted and we are on the downward slope. Praise God!
Apparently these are called Memorial Roses.
While we were out on Saturday we came across a lady selling roses. 20 roses for $10. She had hundreds of them and they were stunning, the picture below shows just some of her roses.
Koreans seem to have two fascinations there bums and roses, hence the billboard ad I saw on the subway. If you buy this special butt washing toilet seat, you to can have a bum that smells like roses. Hmmmm......only in Korea!
Posted by Donnah Ciempka at 11:12 am 1 comments