The church we have been going to has a close relationship with a local orphanage and they were having a weekend working bee. So the Ciempka clan signed up. It was such a rewarding and fullfilling day. Our main aim was to help clean up after winter. Because of the need to stay indoors so much in winter the insides of older buildings really get dirty. So armed with buckets and mops and scrubbing brushes we set to work. Emily, Claudia and I worked in the girls dorm and Paul and the other blokes from Church did the boys dorm. By the end the day the place sparkled. But what was more important was the friends my girls made and the lessons they learnt. Emily and Claudia took some bags of toys they could live without and shared them with the girls - it was like Christmas for the little korean girls. Emily got such a kick out of how much happiness a bag of toys could bring. Claudia was traumatised by the whole event and kept trying to take the toys back as the girls were 'not playing with them properly!' But in the end she got over her tears. What helped was one little girl who came up to her, gave her a cuddle and said - Kahm sam nee da - or thank-you. In the end they played together for ages.
We all chipped in a bought Pizza lunch for the kids and the staff at the orphanage and below is a shot of us all munching away at pizza. By the end of Saturday we were stiff and pretty smelly but we all felt great. I have to say it was one of the most rewarding days I have ever had.

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