Yes we are alive.... I forgot the login details - you can all stop laughing, it has taken me ages to work it out.
Life is good , actually life is wonderful - Spring is here!!!!!!!! Mind you the temperature is still hovering between 4 - 10 degrees.
We are busy enjoying the third term of school and the kids are getting into life here. Emily has started Taekwondo and Claudia has started Ballet. Here is a picture of Em in her uniform. She is the only girl in her class and the only blondy too!
Hopefully it will be warm enough to start riding our bikes and getting back outdoors. Some sun would also be nice. Paul and I were only lamenting the other day at how white we are at the moment.
Well we celebrated Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year) in February and had 5 days in Seoul. It was great being able to see all the attractions we have had on the list to do as well as spending some much needed down time. We took a bus tour of the city, went to the National Museum, the War Memorial. We wandered through the street markets and enjoyed some time shopping.
This picture was taken at the War Memorial. Being an Aussie the most I knew about the Korean War was what I saw on MASH, which is not the most historically accurate show! This museum really opened my eyes to the war, the history of it and how it shaped Korea. We spent ages wandering around empty air craft and climbing on tanks. Emily adored it, she could have stayed all day - Claudia was happy just throwing rocks into an empty pond.
Another day we went to Insadong. Insadong is a famous art preccint. There are lots of traditional Korean artworks on display as well as art galleries, shops and art and craft markets. We had a lovely time wandering the streets. I was able to get some great pashminas and scarves. Paul keeps on telling me I only have one neck, so why do I need so many scarves? Korea may have fairly unappealing food and weather, but this place is an accessory wonderland. so my response continues to remain, "Why not!" Later in the day we found a children's area that was set up like Alice and Wonderland. The girls had a play and Mummy took many photos.
It was lovely being able to wake up late and catch up on some well needed reading and rest. I think the most exciting thing is that our hotel had a bath - you don't know what you are missing until you have to live without one! Each Ciempka girl had lovely long baths - it was heaven, and it far beats the baths the girls have been having lately (in a kimchi pot in the shower). Anyway we made the most of our break considering that was it until we finish up on June 15.

Well I think that will do me for this week. Hope you are all well and that the heat is not killing you. Can you believe we will be home in less than 13 weeks?
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