If I haven't mentioned it already - it was cold in Harbin. I mean really cold. I don't normally mind the cold so much, but here, you could not avoid it - and all the crap you need to have with you to keep you warm... gloves, scarves, beanies, jackets, and the list goes on. You know it is cold when you see ice-cream sitting in boxes on the street and they are not melting.

Yep, the boat is not going anywhere any time soon!

So, I think I have made my point, it was cold .... and then we saw this! These guys were out in minus 14 degree weather swimming!!!!!! I am not going to even mention their choice in swimsuits. The tough ones actually go barefoot, but you have to be careful you don't stick to the ice.

Here are the Ciempka's in an ice bar - we are all trying to look drunk... Yes great parents we are.

Harbin is right up near the Russian border and there is a lot of Russian influence here - this is a beautiful Russian church we saw.
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