Tuesday 1 September 2009

Beautiful Boracay

Second stop on our summer holiday was Boracay. This place is truly magical

We spent 10 days soaking up the sun, swimming, snorkeling, feeding fish, exploring islands and just enjoying this magical place. The girls swam at the beach all day and Paul and I rested and relaxed and read many books. This was so needed as this year was a big one for us with the move to Beijing and all that has happened. It was an exciting year big nevertheless.

I suppose one of the most memorable experiences for us happened even before we got to Boracay. We were delayed 2 days in Manilla due to a tropical storm. When we were finally able to leave Manilla, our plane over shot the run way in Cataclan and crashed into a paddock near by. No one was hurt, but we were shaken a little. It didn't really dawn on me how close we came to being seriously hurt, till we had to jump out the back of the plane into the paddock and walk back along the runway. Let's just say, I won't be in a hurray to repeat that again.