Thursday 24 April 2008


Life just keeps getting busier and busier. I apologise for the delay in posts. It is quite depressing that I am still posting images from our trip with Mum and Dad.

This section is from our trip to the DMZ. Being an Aussie who is too young to know much about the Korean War, the most I knew was what I saw on MASH. So this trip was a huge learning experience for me. I am going to try to explain the whole DMZ idea, but if I get it wrong - I am sorry. Basically the DMZ is a section of land in Korea that seperates North Korea and South Korea. It was designed as a ceasefire line and has been in exhistence since the Korean War. It is a parcel of land and it is fenced off on each side and heavily armed and guarded. Basically the only people allowed in this area are military and those allowed to . You can do a trip up to an observation point and look into North Korea. My thoughts were - yeah so what. Well it was not until we went up there that I truly got what the hype was all about.

This soldier was giving us directions as we entered the DMZ. I had to sneak this shot in as I didn't want to get in trouble from the soldier.

Looking at North Korea through the barbed wire.
Mum, Emily and Dad with North Korea in the background

Claudia's thoughts on posing for a photo.


Spring in the DMZ

The fenced off train line. The little houses are for soliders with big guns.

Sight seeing Korean style.

My lovely Emily

What a gorgeous couple!

Squid drying - supposedly it is a delcious snack.
She is just too cute!


Shawna said...

Wow! What interesting photos... thank you for sharing a bit of your visit! Also, I love the DOF in your bird shots!

Anonymous said...

Great shots. My dh built a golf course in dong du chong(spelling sorry)near DMZ. Our trip to the DMZ was amazing. We went with some high general or something he even crossed us over into N Korea, once we crossed that line I had this funny feeling in my tummy and said no thanks I just want to stay in SKorea thank you.

Suzy said...

Love that last one! Emily is adorable. Did you try out the squid? I just can't imagine it being delicious.

Jamie said...

Hi! How cool. I was just at the DMZ earlier this month and it was quite an experience. Our day there wasn't anywhere near as nice weather wise, so hazy we could barely see anything. LOVEY pictures of everything though.


Helena said...

I've eaten the dried squid, but I'm not crazy about it. It's very chewy. Hard on my jaw. I like squid prepared other ways, though!